
Tooth sensitivity can cause significant discomfort. You may have this problem if you experience a noticeable toothache when you eat or drink certain foods or beverages, but it may also be due to underlying oral health conditions. Only your dentist can determine the culprit. Here’s what you need to know and how you can find relief from your aches and pains.

The Causes of Tooth Sensitivity

dentistWhen your teeth are sensitive, you might feel a quick jolt of pain when you bite into something that’s sweet or spicy, or hot or cold. These could be considered your “triggers”—the stimuli that cause your teeth to react in a hypersensitive manner.

People with thinner enamel are more vulnerable to developing pain that sends them to the dentist. Other risk factors include brushing teeth too firmly, grinding teeth, and using a firm toothbrush.

Some oral health conditions, like cavities, broken teeth, crowns that have worn down, and gum disease, can also lead to sensitivity. As the gums pull away from the teeth, the dentin beneath your enamel is exposed. That can lead to significant pain when the dentin contacts a substance that triggers your sensitivity.

How You Can Relieve the Pain

If the pain is frequent enough that it interferes with your ability to eat and drink comfortably, it’s important to see your dentist promptly for a diagnosis and care options. You can manage discomfort at home by using a toothpaste formulated specifically for sensitive teeth. It contains ingredients that, over time, minimize the pain sensations that affect your nerves. Prescription topical fluoride can also be effective.

If your gums have receded due to grinding or oral health problems, your dental care provider may recommend a gum graft to resolve the receding area. During this procedure, a minimal amount of tissue is taken from another part of the mouth and placed on the affected area. By covering the roots, sensitivity will lessen.


If you’re suffering from painful tooth sensitivity, visit Dr. Thomas Park DDS in Seymour, CT. Proudly serving patients throughout New Haven County, the dentist provides friendly and personalized service in a comfortable environment. In addition to general exams, Dr. Park performs root canals, teeth cleaning, oral surgery, and many other services designed to improve your health. Visit the website to find out more or call (203) 888-9947 to schedule an appointment.
