
Proper oral hygiene is important for helping people of all ages avoid dental problems. Cavities are one of the simplest and most common tooth issues anyone may encounter. With these tips, it’s easy to avoid them and to smile with confidence. 

3 Simple Ways to Avoid Cavities 

1. Brush and Floss 

Brushing may seem like a simple task, but it can have a major impact on cavity prevention by removing food particles and bacteria. Proper oral hygiene practices involve brushing twice a day–after waking up and right before bed. Most dentists recommend soft bristles to help clean between teeth since they won’t damage your gums after vigorous brushing, while also removing plaque.

For more thorough cleaning on all sides of the tooth, floss after brushing. Food particles between teeth can remain stuck for days if not removed and erode enamel. Some people find traditional floss too hard to use and go with flossers instead. They’re much easier to hold and maneuver around all teeth. 

2. Acidic Drinks and Sugar

oral hygieneSugary treats drinks like sodas are harmful to tooth enamel. They can break it down slowly and speed up the formation of cavities. Many foods, like oatmeal, cereal, and chocolate, are available in sugar-free forms. However, sugar free sodas still pose some danger, as they contain phosphoric, citric, and tartaric acid, which can erode tooth enamel. 

As for what to drink instead of sodas and acidic drinks, there’s nothing better than water. Water promotes teeth and gum health by washing away food particles and carrying healthy minerals like calcium to the mouth. It also washes away sugar and acids from healthy foods, like fruits.

3. Smoking 

Smoking is a habit that carries plenty of health risks, oral included. These can include simple cavities and more severe issues like periodontal disease and even oral cancer.

Quitting smoking means your mouth is no longer exposed to toxins such as nicotine, arsenic, ammonia, and benzene, reducing the health risks significantly. These ingredients have been linked to dry mouth--which eliminates beneficial bacteria from your teeth--gum lesions, bad breath, and anemia.


When you’re looking for an expert in oral hygiene, choose J David Fisher Jr., DDS in Sanford, NC. This dedicated dentist has 40 years of experience and stands behind his work. He’s known to work after hours to help with dental emergencies when needed, and provides a number of helpful corrective procedures such as fillings, crowns, and bridges. To get your dental solutions, visit his website or call (919) 776-0741.
