
Whether you’re heading out for work in the morning or coming home after a day of errands, you expect your garage door to open and close properly. When it malfunctions, the unreliability can be frustrating and inconvenient. There are a number of issues that could cause the door to stop working. Learn more about a few common ones, and how a garage door repair professional can help. 

4 Reasons Why Garage Doors Fail

1. Trolley Disconnection

Most garage doors move along a trolley. This channel is attached to a chain drive, which is  mounted to the garage’s ceiling and contains a pull-cord to allow users to manually open the door. When the cord is pulled, the trolley can become disconnected. Fixing it can be dangerous and is best left to a garage door repair technician to ensure safe and seamless re-connection. 

2. Power Interruption

garage doorIf the garage door fails to open or close via the wall keypad or remote opener, there may be a power source issue. A damaged door motor could also be the culprit.

Another possibility is a tripped circuit breaker, which can shut off power to the garage door. Repeated power shutdowns may indicate a short circuit somewhere in the system. 

3. Sensor Obstruction

If you hit the remote to open the door, but it doesn’t open all the way, there may be a problem with the safety sensors. These are located next to the bottom of the door’s track. They detect any obstructions or movement to prevent the door from causing injury or property damage to whatever is in its way. If the sensors aren’t working properly, it can cause the door to stop midway.

4. Close-Floor Setting Failure

When a garage door goes into reverse before reaching the floor, the close-floor setting might need an adjustment. There is a screw inside the system that controls the pressure needed for the door to descend to the floor. An overhead door technician will make an adjustment to the close-floor setting mechanism so that the garage door has the right amount of pressure to move toward the floor safely without going into reverse.


If your garage door is broken or unreliable, contact the experts at Crossville Door Company. These skilled overhead door technicians have extensive experience repairing a wide range of makes and models throughout Cumberland County, TN. They use the latest equipment and techniques to ensure safe and reliable garage door repairs. If you’re having issues with your door, call the experts at (931) 484-8586 to schedule an inspection and receive a free service estimate. 
