
Test anxiety is a common phenomenon affecting about 16% to 20% of students. If you struggle with it, you may find it hinders your performance, resulting in a score that is an inaccurate representation of your abilities. Fortunately, there are ways to ease and manage exam-related anxiety. Whether you’re doing ACT or SAT prep or gearing up for another school exam, use the following four tips to manage your stress. 

4 Tips to Ease Test Anxiety 

1. Eat Well

Eating a nutritious diet is essential to keep your brain and body functioning at maximum capacity. Eating a healthy breakfast on the day of the test is a great start. However, you should strive to eat well consistently at all times to keep your body and mind sharp. Ensure you get at least five servings of fruits and vegetables and plenty of brain-boosting foods, such as omega-3 fatty acids and lean proteins. 

2. Get Plenty of Sleep

Many people make the mistake of pulling an all-nighter to cram before the test. However, sleep deprivation can have a significant adverse effect on your ability to concentrate and think clearly. Caffeine is no suitable replacement for a full night’s sleep, either. Try to go to bed early the night before the test and get a solid eight to nine hours of sleep. 

3. Prepare

SAT prepMuch of test-taking anxiety comes from feeling underprepared. Ensure that you have plenty of time to study in the weeks before the test. Identify early on which areas you’re struggling with the most. If possible, seek help from an SAT prep or other tutoring service to help you tackle these challenges. 

4. Practice Relaxation Techniques

Stress and anxiety can increase blood pressure and cause muscle tension. Practicing relaxation techniques before or during the test can prevent or mitigate these issues and restore calm. Try closing your eyes and taking slow, deep breaths, exhaling fully before inhaling again. This increases oxygen flow to the brain while reducing tension, which can help you focus better. Also, try to recognize intrusive anxious thoughts and replace them with positive ones. For example, if you suddenly become overwhelmed and think to yourself that you should have studied more, rationalize and tell yourself instead that you’re extremely prepared and will do your best.


If you need tutoring services for SAT prep or other topics, turn to Mathnasium of South Windsor’s @ Home Program in South Windsor, CT. With more than 500 centers in North America, Mathnasium is one of the most respected tutoring services in the business. Providing individualized attention, these math and SAT tutors strive to imbue each student with knowledge and confidence to ace their tests and classes. Call (860) 432-7794 to schedule an appointment or visit the website to learn more about their tutoring services and methodology. 
