
Living at home is an excellent way to maintain independence and stay active once you reach your senior years. With options like grocery delivery and transportation services, there are several amenities available that allow you to receive the goods you need. Ensure you can take care of yourself during your golden years by following these safety tips.

Top Tips to Keep Seniors Safe

1. Safety-Proof Your Home

Whether you have balance issues or need assistance getting up the stairs, ensure your home is properly equipped with all your safety needs. This means having handrails installed on the stairs and in the bathroom to deter slips or falls, as well as taping area rugs to prevent tripping.

2. Keep Prescriptions Up to Date

transportation servicesIf there’s medication you take daily, whether prescription or over-the-counter, ensure you have at least two week’s worth on hand at all times. This will make it easy to have what you need in the event you must stay home for an extended period. If you have mobility challenges and can’t drive to the pharmacy regularly, call a loved one or transportation service for a ride.

3. Know Your Body

If you develop symptoms that worry you or simply don’t feel like yourself, schedule a visit with your doctor. You know your body best, so getting checked out is important if you feel something is off. Driving can be dangerous if you aren’t feeling well, so make arrangements with a transportation service or friend to get to your appointment.

4. Keep Emergency Numbers Handy

While it may be easy to remember 911, there are other emergency numbers you should be able to easily access, like an emergency contact, poison control, and your family physician. Keep a list on the fridge or in your purse and make sure you write in large, easy-to-read print in the event you’re in a hurry or anxious.


If you’re a senior looking for reliable and safe transportation services, contact the professionals at RERK Transport in Waipahu, HI. This family-owned and -operated business provides a dedicated service to help individuals make it to their destinations safely, whether they’re running errands or headed to the doctor. Learn more about the services they offer by visiting their website or calling (808) 671-7242.
