
As a farm owner, preserving water will promote healthy crop growth and reduce your environmental impact. However, depending on the crops you grow and the size of your land, it might be difficult to find ways to cut back. If you’re hoping to conserve water, consider the following plumbing tips for your farm.

How to Conserve Water on Your Farm

1. Increase Mulch & Compost

Mulch is a spread of organic materials — like wood chips and straw — that’s layered onto ground soil to conserve moisture. As mulch breaks down, it increases the soil’s ability to retain water.

When mulch is combined with fresh compost, it increases the quality of the existing topsoil, boosting the ground’s capacity to hold water even more. This is especially useful during a dry spell when rainwater is severely limited.

2. Employ Cover Crops

plumbingMany farm owners will plant cover crops on their land to provide a protective barrier and retain water. As opposed to plants that are grown for food, cover crops are grown specifically to promote soil fertility and organic matter growth, as well as to prevent erosion and compaction. Cover crops also improve water penetration in the soil and can even increase its ability to hold water when combined with consistent mulching methods.

3. Proper Plumbing Maintenance

When it comes to maintaining a farm, proper plumbing maintenance is essential. Without it, farm owners run the risk of their plumbing systems developing leaks, which can lead to wasted water and costly repairs. Regular maintenance also helps ensure that water is distributed efficiently, eliminating unnecessary watering.


If you need plumbing repair or maintenance on your farm, put your trust in the professionals at Holler Drilling & Plumbing in La Crosse, WI. For over 40 years, this family-owned and -operated drilling company has provided unique solutions for your water and sewage needs. From farm properties to commercial buildings, these skilled professionals have the expertise to diagnose and resolve problems with everything from septic tanks to water wells. To request a free estimate, call (608) 781-2342 or visit them online for more information.
