
Losing weight is a marathon, not a sprint.  You will have times where you feel in control and it’s relatively easy and other times that if feels impossible.  The most important part of it all is staying in the race, not losing sight of the finish line and being flexible to overcome any obstacle along the way.

Here are few tips to outsmart hunger!

  1. Drink lots of water.  This is any easy first step to identify if you were truly hungry or maybe just thirsty. Try not to get behind on your water during the day because it is often mistaken for hunger. Aim for a minimum of 64 ounces and then drink when you’re thirsty thereafter. 
  2. Have a low-calorie favorite ready at all times. For some it can be cut-up vegetables with salsa. For others it could be an apple, or even a cup of green tea.  If you have a go-to when you feel hungry that takes the edge off, you will be more successful at controlling your calorie intake without a doubt!
  3. Take it one day at time.  Even if yesterday didn’t go as planned, make today count! Don’t give in to cravings and stay focused on the end health goal.  Even though planning ahead is very helpful in losing weight, don’t get too ahead of yourself. Focus on one healthy habit at a time. 
  4. Try the “bait and switch” technique.  If you are feeling hungry and it’s not time for a snack or meal try a distraction technique.  Some ideas are to take a warm bath,  go for a walk, or read a book. The goal is to take your mind completely away from eating and in another direction.  This will become more of a habit with practice. 
  5. Balance at mealtime.  Start with 4 oz. of any lean protein and add in plenty of non-starchy vegetables as well as a serving of whole grains. Finish it with a bit of healthy fat to keep you satisfied for a longer time period.  This type of balanced, nutritious meal promotes fullness, so you'll be less likely to experience hunger between meals.
  6. Maintain a food journal.  Write down everything that goes in your mouth no matter how small. Then look for patterns on your tough days. You may be able to identify a trigger for a certain behavior or food choice/quantity.

You can be successful at losing weight and keeping it of long-term, however you must makes some changes that will help you to do so. Keep moving forward!

For more information on safe, effective weight loss programs in Lincoln, NE and Omaha, NE visit

