
Chiropractic care is a useful method of alternative, natural medicine that has been around since 1895. If you’ve ever researched the industry, you may have come across a few common myths about this practice. In this article, we’ll help to clarify these common misconceptions. 

3 Common Myths About Chiropractic Care

1. Chiropractors Are Not “Real Doctors”

chiropractic careChiropractors do not hold medical degrees, therefore they are not medical doctors. However, they complete four years of college and a doctorate program, making them a Doctor of Chiropractic. This degree is a prerequisite for licensure and the ability to legally practice. Though their credentials differ from a physician’s, the effectiveness of chiropractic care has been documented in medical publications like the Journal of the American Medical Association.

2. Chiropractic Care Is Dangerous and Ineffective

During chiropractic treatment, the doctor will adjust your structure based on an assessment of your physical needs. The adjustments often result in an audible ‘pop’ or ‘cracking’ sound. Many people experience great relief from this practice. Chiropractors are well educated on the muscular, skeletal, and nervous systems of the body and tailor their approach to alleviate discomfort, not cause it.

3. Chiropractic Care Is Only for Back Pain

While back pain is a common reason for people to visit the chiropractor, it’s not the only reason. Chiropractors see patients for the treatment of a variety of illnesses involving the structure of the human body. They can help alleviate discomfort and rehabilitate the fingers, hands, arms, shoulders, neck, torso, back, hips, legs, feet, and toes.

Almost any part of the body can be treated to benefit the patient’s wellbeing. Utilize chiropractic care to improve posture, decrease stress, increase range of motion, and alleviate pain.


Receive renown, customer-approved chiropractic care with Eastern Hills Chiropractic Care in Cincinnati, OH. Their team of licensed professionals will evaluate your case and create a custom treatment plan to get you on the road to recovery. Whether you’ve experienced whiplash, back pain, hip misalignment, or a subluxation, Eastern Hills is here to help. Visit their website to hear what their customers have to say. When you’re ready to schedule an appointment call (513) 528-2200.
