
As cold temperatures subside, your residential HVAC unit will wrap up its heating cycle. Once you see consistently warm temperatures, you can shut down the furnace for the season. Prepare your heating unit for dormancy with these steps.

How to Shut Down the Furnace

1. Turn It Off

Depending on the age and style of your furnace, there might be a switch to flip or a pilot light to extinguish. Newer, electric models have switches, but older gas models have pilot flames. If you aren’t sure how to turn off the pilot, refer to the owner’s manual or ask an HVAC contractor to do it.

2. Eliminate Dust & Debris

An oil heating system generates soot, so clean it up at the end of the season. You might opt for professional furnace cleaning, but you also might be able to do a thorough job on your own. Wipe down individual components and the entire unit to remove dust and debris that may have accumulated during the winter.

3. Replace Your Filters

residential HVACReplace the filter every three months, which should coincide with the turn of the seasons. The filter probably accumulated plenty of debris during the winter, so now is the time to change it before you prepare the system for dormancy.

4. Check the Gas Supply

Once your furnace is clean and ready, check the gas supply. Shutting down the gas supply in your residential HVAC unit during warmer months minimizes the risk of a leak in your home. Look for the shutoff valve on the unit or consult your owner’s manual for guidance.


If you need assistance preparing your furnace for dormancy this spring, contact Air Control Company, in Lexington, KY. This company offers commercial and residential HVAC services and promises quick and affordable assistance. Services include installation, maintenance, and repair. To schedule an appointment, call (859) 253-1734. Check out available services on the website.
