
Pregnancy can be an intense, personal journey. Many expecting mothers opt for a more natural approach to their pregnancy and consult with a holistic doctor to learn about the full range of options available. If you’re interested in having a holistic pregnancy, check out these tips to get started.

How to Have a Holistic Pregnancy

1. Take Care of Your Mind, Body & Spirit  

While your physical health is certainly important during this time, a holistic pregnancy acknowledges that it's important to take care of all aspects of your being.

To take care of your body, you can nourish it with healthy foods and hydrate often. To take care of your mind, you can practice meditation, which can help with relaxation and mental well-being. For your spirit, you can create a network of supportive loved ones to share your thoughts and feelings with during this challenging time.

2. Trust Your Body

The idea of pregnancy and giving birth can be intimidating, but remember your body was made for this process. It has the ability to nourish and keep your child safe for nine months.

holistic doctorTo reduce your fears, take some prenatal classes or do your own research on childbirth techniques. A holistic doctor can teach you about different delivery methods or forms of pain relief so you’ll feel prepared for when your baby is ready to enter the world.

3. Don’t Stick to a Script

A holistic pregnancy typically tries to keep things as natural and non-invasive as possible. While this is a good plan to start with, you may need to make some adjustments as time goes on.

Everybody experiences pregnancy differently and there’s no shame in receiving more traditional assistance sometimes if you feel that it’s best for you and your child.

4. Try Out Alternative Therapies

A holistic pregnancy incorporates alternative therapies. Do some experimenting to see which therapies are right for you.

For instance, you could try massage therapy or acupuncture to help ward off discomfort. There are plenty of possibilities, so be sure to explore your options.


If you’re interested in having a holistic pregnancy, check out A Path to Natural Health in Issaquah, WA. Holistic doctors Maura Scanlan and Emily Bender have both the experience and the compassion to help you through this life-changing process. They will work with you to create a personal treatment plan that best suits your pregnancy. For more information on their services, visit them online or call (425) 270-3047.
