
Humans generate quite a bit of trash. In 2013 alone, the U.S. generated 254 million tons of refuseRecycling is the most effective way to mitigate the harms cause by excessive waste. Repurposing materials like paper, plastic, cardboard, and metal provides the following benefits. 

Why You Should Recycle

1.  Resource Conservation

Reusing old materials reduces the amount of energy and fuel manufacturers would otherwise need to extract, transport, and process natural resources for new products. 

Recycling protects other resources, too. Reprocessing paper reduces deforestation, for example. For every ton of plastic bottles that are recycled, 3.8 barrels of oil are saved

2. Less Waste in Landfills

recyclingLandfills effectively manage garbage, but they have their downsides. These waste removal solutions can be dangerous for people and the environment.

Their contents leak toxic chemicals into the surrounding ground, which can contaminate groundwater. Noxious fumes generated as byproducts of decomposition can irritate the eyes, throats, and lungs of people who live nearby. 

Recycling limits the amount of trash in landfills and curbs their spread. It also reduces methane emissions, which, in turn, minimizes contributions to global warming. 

3. Good for the Economy

The industry also provides national economic benefits as well. According to a 2016 study, the recycling industry created over 750,000 jobs with over $36 billion paid to employees.

This money spurred growth in the economy and generated over $6 billion in tax revenue, which supported local communities.


If you want to start recycling more, contact the waste disposal experts at Sterling Superior Services in Franklin, CT. For more than 20 years, this fully licensed and insured company has helped residents safely and responsibly dispose of their waste. They’ll supply you with the equipment you need and ensure all of your recyclable materials are handled correctly. Get started by calling (860) 642-7351. Learn more about their services online.