
Anyone caught driving with a blood-alcohol level over .08%, or commercial drivers caught over .04%, can be charged with a DWI in North Carolina. Depending on the circumstances, you can face significant fines and jail time for this infraction. However, the impact of the conviction will be felt for years after the incident.

What Are the Long-Term Effects of a DWI?

1. Employment

DWIs are commonly charged as misdemeanors with frequent offenders facing felony charges. In either circumstance, you'll end up with a criminal record, which will show up on an employment background check. Many businesses have strict policies regarding hiring individuals with criminal offenses, so you could end up losing future opportunities. Additionally, the time requirements associated with the charge, such as court dates, can impact your current job.

2. Auto Insurance

dwiImmediately after your conviction, you'll likely face a hike in your auto insurance rates, as you're now deemed a "high-risk" driver. This is particularly true in North Carolina, where drivers see an average premium increase of 308.9% following a DWI charge. Unfortunately, the higher rates are likely to stick around for around three years after your conviction.

3. Driving Privileges

Most DWI cases result in a loss of driving privileges, as even a first-time offender can face a license suspension of up to one year. Losing the ability to drive has a significant impact on daily life, from commuting to doctor's appointments. You either have to use public transportation, which can be costly and time consuming, or rely on close family members and friends, which can be a burden.


If you're facing a DWI conviction, learn more about your options by turning to The Law Offices of H.A. (Alec) Carpenter IV. Since 1997, this law firm has helped defendants across Guilford County, NC, fight for a second chance. Learn more about their services online, and request a free consultation today at (336) 333-5255.
