
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, rear-end collisions are the most common type of car accident in the United States. Common driving mistakes and distracted driving often cause these collisions. If you were a victim in a rear-end collision, a lawyer can explain to you your legal options regarding the accident. Knowing how to avoid these collisions and being a defensive, attentive driver can help you while on the road.

How Do They Happen? 

A rear-end collision typically happens when a driver is following another too closely. If the driver in front has to come to an abrupt stop, there should be enough room between the two cars that a collision won’t happen.

The driver in the back should also be paying enough attention to know to press their brakes immediately. Unfortunately, brakes take about half of a second to react. If you’re driving fast down a busy highway, half of a second isn’t always enough to avoid a collision.

How to Avoid Them

lawyerThere are two different “two-second” rules you can keep in mind when driving behind a car. The first rule states that you should never take your eyes off the road for more than two seconds. Reading a text on your phone or fixing your hair in the mirror can distract you long enough to cause a collision.

The second rule is to pick a point ahead of you on the road. Once the driver in front of you passes that point, it should take you a full two seconds for you to reach that same point. This ensures that your car is a safe enough distance away if the driver in front were to make a sudden stop.

If you are the driver in front, it’s recommended that you take frequent glances in your sideview and rearview mirrors so you can be aware if a car is too close. 

What Is Tailgating?

Tailgating is the term for when a car is driving too close to the vehicle in front of it. While some people do this accidentally, it's still considered negligent. Some people even tailgate purposefully to annoy a driver or to tell them to drive faster.

No matter the reason, tailgating is never worth it. If you’ve suffered damages from being tailgated, you can get in touch with a lawyer to receive compensation for the accident.


If you’ve been in a rear-end collision and need a lawyer, contact the professionals at Goicoechea, DiGrazia, Coyle, & Stanton in Elko, NV. With a combined experience of over 100 years, this team will work with you personally and give you the individualized attention you deserve. In addition, these trusted legal professionals have advanced security protocols in place to protect their customers’ data. For more information on their services, visit them online or call (775) 738-8091.
