
When it comes to kitchen remodeling, backsplashes are renowned for being both a personal touch and for improving the value of your home. These luxury arrangements can beautify and protect your kitchen while enhancing your enjoyment of the space, and there’s a world of options available for every style. To help you make the best possible choice, here are a few factors to keep in mind.

What to Consider When Choosing a Kitchen Backsplash

1. Your Space

Knowing the shape and size of your kitchen and the area to be tiled will help you form a clear picture of your requirements. Multiply the wall's width by its height to work out the total square footage. Then, add in 10 to 15% as a cutting allowance to ensure you don't run out of tile. Finally, make sure you know the layout of your kitchen, as this may determine your design options.

2. Colors & Patterns

Striking a balance between variety and consistency during kitchen remodeling can be challenging, but when successfully done, the result is striking. Colorful backsplashes work well with solid-colored countertops, while tiles that match too closely can make a kitchen seem uninteresting. However, choose contrasts and complements rather than clashes.

3. The Grout

Not only is grout crucial for providing a firm foundation for your backsplash, but it can also enhance the look of your tile if chosen wisely. Grout is available in tons of different colors, so you don't have to rely on the first one you see. Choose one that complements the tiles, and consider the use of additives in case they're going to be scrubbed with abrasives regularly.


If you’re looking for expert kitchen remodeling services, count on Today’s Kitchens in Hartsdale, NY. For over 30 years, their team has been creating unique backsplashes, cabinets, and other features for clients throughout Westchester County and Fairfield County, CT. To learn more about how they can bring your vision for your kitchen to life, call (203) 536-1222 or visit them online.
