

Dear friends & valued clients of SEATTLE CUSTOM FRAMING,

During this trying time of the Covid-19 outbreak we want to extend our warmest regards, prayers, and positive vibes to you and your families. It is our intention to remain committed to the quality design you have come to expect from us. We are still here at our Belltown Studio making your life more beautiful, one frame at a time!

In respect to the safety and well-being of us all, we will meet with you by appointment only, one client, or couple, at a time, keeping our doors locked during the appointment and in between.

Appointment hours are now Tuesday – Friday, 11am – 6pm and Sat, 11am – 4pm

We have taken extra precautions by creating a new hard surfaced front counter as well as a beautiful, new, invisible “people protector” screen! We thoroughly disinfect between clients and try to make our visit as touch free as possible, and we have hand sanitizer that you are welcome to use when you visit, too!

To facilitate limiting the number of people in the shop we would also appreciate appointments for picking up your orders, too.

We request that anyone making an appointment be healthy and have not been exposed or recently traveled to an area where they may have likely been exposed… Please use your best judgment! This is just picture framing folks, not an emergency!

Thanks for your cooperation and continued support of Seattle Custom Framing! We are excited to be Celebrating 15 years of business this June!

And remember to wash your hands, be smart, check in on your elder neighbors, and call your friends and family! We will all get through this as we work TOGETHER!

Our best to you,

Wendy and Molly





