
Lawn maintenance is important, especially when warmer weather is on its way. Unfortunately, your dream lawn can turn into a nightmare with the presence of grubs. Read on to learn more about grubs, what they can do to your yard, and how to get rid of them.

Everything You Need to Know About Grubs & Lawn Care

What are grubs?   

Grubs are the larval stage of beetles. They look like small, C-shaped worms. Beetles will lay their eggs in lawns during the summer months, and then the grubs hatch and begin to thrive by fall. They burrow into the soil during winter before returning to the surface in the spring. By that time, they’ll have developed into beetles and are ready to lay eggs of their own.

How can grubs damage your lawn?

A young grub's diet consists of grass roots.  As they munch on the roots throughout your yard, your grass will begin to die. This can make your lawn look brown and dry. Even if you’ve spent a lot of time on lawn maintenance, a grub can destroy all the work you've done in your yard.

How can you tell if you have grubs in your grass?

lawn maintenance lexingtonThere are a few different things that can signify the presence of grubs. One of the most obvious signs is when random patches of dead grass begin to appear. If possible, you can pull back the sod in these areas to verify that grubs are present. 

Grubs also serve as food for raccoons, skunks, and crows. If these creatures show up and seem to be tearing up your lawn, that’s another significant indicator of an infestation.

How can you keep grubs out of your lawn?

An insecticide such as chlorantraniliprole trichlorfon is effective once grubs are noticed. For a preventative insecticide, imidacloprid is an option. Always read the directions and ingredients thoroughly before applying any insecticide. Some people may prefer an organic option; in this case, beneficial nematodes are a good choice. Beneficial nematodes are microscopic, predatory worms that can be found in soil throughout the world. They are harmless to humans, pets, and plants, but contain a bacteria in their gut that, when released inside an insect like grubs, causes the insect to die.


If you need high-quality tools to help with lawn maintenance, check out Landscaper’s Corner in Lexington, KY. They’ll provide you with the best products out there so you can beautify your lawn with ease. Whether you need mulch, rocks, fertilizer, soil, or gardening equipment, Landscaper’s Corner has you covered. For more information on their services, visit them online or call (859) 225-9433.
