
During flu season, you may be doing all you can to protect yourself and your loved ones from the flu, colds, and other viruses. However, even with plenty of hand sanitizer, vitamins, and adequate sleep, you still may not be using all the tools available. By adding visits to the chiropractor to your flu prevention checklist, you’ll be covering all your bases. Below is how chiropractic care can help with this illness.

3 Ways Chiropractic Care Helps With the Flu

1. Help You Fight Off the Flu

When your spine is out of alignment, it puts pressure on the surrounding nerves, causing irritation. This doesn’t just affect the nervous system. It also puts stress on the organs and immune system. When you go for an adjustment, your chiropractor will remedy the subluxation of the spine, correcting the neural dysfunction and bolstering the body’s immune response. Therefore, if you have the flu, chiropractic treatment will enable your body to fight it off much faster.

2. Prevent You From Getting the Flu

chiropractorIn addition to strengthening the immune system, the correction of spinal misalignment also lowers your susceptibility to different illnesses, including the flu. Mainly, chiropractic adjustments have shown to increase the body’s production of the antibodies immunoglobulin G and immunoglobulin M. The more of these antibodies you have, the less of a chance you will catch the influenza virus.

3. Alleviate Headaches

People with the flu often experience intense headaches. These often involve tension in the neck and shoulders, which any spinal misalignments will exacerbate. If you’ve been spending several days recovering in bed, you might be especially stiff in these areas. Luckily, a chiropractor can adjust the vertebrae in your neck and upper back, alleviating headaches and preventing migraines.


If you’re hoping to steer clear of the flu and other illnesses, head to Mountain Spring Chiropractic of Fishersville, VA. Dr. Elizabeth Kautz Koch offers a comprehensive approach to patient health, using a combination of lifestyle advice, in-office adjustments, and at-home exercises. Whether you’re dealing with lower back pain or a weak immune system, call (540) 943-0022 to schedule an appointment with the chiropractor today. You can also visit the website to learn more about her offerings.
