
With the right seed and watering schedule, a lush green lawn is easy to achieve. Once your soil is prepped and the fertilizer is laid, it’s time to focus on lawn care to ensure the seed take holds and the grass grows. Follow these tips when devising a watering schedule for your new lawn.

How to Water New Grass

1. Water Frequently at First

Frequent watering is essential when your seed and fertilizer are first laid because the water helps to germinate the grass seeds. Before they sprout, aim to keep the soil moist throughout the day.

This will require frequent waterings, usually once or twice a day. Avoid getting the soil too drenched, which can inhibit germination. Instead, focus on just having soil that’s moist to the touch. On rainy days, you can cut back your watering schedule accordingly.

2. Water Lightly When Seeding 

Once the seeds have sprouted, you can cut back your watering schedule a bit. Now, you want to allow the soil to dry before watering it again.

Your climate will help to determine the frequency of watering at this stage. Typically, you can expect to water your sprouted seeds at least every other day if the weather isn’t especially rainy.

3. Reduce Watering as Grass Grows

fertilizerThose sprouted seeds will grow into grass, at which point you can reduce your watering schedule. When you have a couple of inches of new grass, you can reduce your watering schedule to every few days.

4. Consider Timing

Watering grass in the heat of the day results in the moisture quickly evaporating. Instead, water the grass in the morning before 10:00 a.m. or in the evening after 5:00 p.m. to ensure the water goes straight to the grass that thrives on it.


To create a lush lawn in the Foristell, MO, area, contact T & N. This company provides fertilizer and weed-control formulas that help you successfully care for your lawn. Since 1988, this company has served the St. Louis region, helping both residential and commercial customers care for their lawns through steady turf growth, weed prevention, and winter lawn protection. To learn more about available products, call (636) 673-2505 or learn more about available fertilizers on the website.
