
Investing in solar panels will reduce your reliance on energy from a power company and help your household become more eco-friendly. To get the most out of the system, there are a few steps you can take to increase its efficiency. Here are a few tips to help you improve your solar energy availability and usage.

3 Ways to Increase Your Solar Panels’ Efficiency

1. Install a Solar Concentrator

Sunlight scatters as it hits a flat surface, so you may not be collecting all of the energy on the panels. Fortunately, a solar concentrator will concentrate the energy, helping the panels collect sunlight and convert more of it into electricity. This will maximize the amount of energy you collect, allowing you to rely more heavily on this source of alternative power.

2. Check the Positioning

solar panelsYour solar panel installer should have positioned the panels, so they’re exposed to the sunlight as consistently as possible. Ideally, they should be set at a 28- to 30-degree angle and face north. However, growing trees and new construction near your home can cast shadows on the panels, so make sure they’re always positioned optimally.

3. Install a Backup Battery

This device will save collected solar energy throughout the day. After the sun sets, your home can draw the energy it needs from the battery rather than tapping into the electricity from the power company. This will help you reduce your utility bills by further diminishing your reliance on traditional energy sources.


If you want to get the most out of your photovoltaic system, contact the knowledgeable team at Solar Help Hawaii in Honolulu. These professionals will assess your existing system and make suggestions on how to increase its operational efficiency. To get more information about their services, visit their website or call (808) 548-4357.
