
If you manage a hotel, there’s likely at least a few guests in the pool at any time of the day. While maintaining the scenic greenery around it is fairly easy, keeping the water clean can be challenging, especially when there’s a code brown. Become familiar with this issue, so you know how to manage it when it occurs and when to call a pool cleaning service for backup.

What Is It?

A code brown indicates that solid waste has entered the swimming pool. Whether due to a faulty swim diaper or a complete lack of protection, getting everyone out of the water will be your utmost priority. Solid matter contains a high amount of bacteria and can endanger the health of swimmers when left in the water for too long.

Accidental contact with the waste leaves your guests susceptible to contracting severe illnesses, like cholera, typhoid, hepatitis, and polio. Act quickly if you experience a code brown by scheduling immediate pool cleaning services to address the problem and prevent it from worsening.

Why Does It Happen?

pool cleaning servicesAlthough child diaper manufacturers continue to perfect their products, it’s challenging for them to create a comfortable, secure, and absorbent product that works in the water. While swim diapers are made to fit snugly around the upper thighs to enclose the waste, splashing around may cause the lining to shift, releasing it.

Additionally, some vacationing parents aren’t using the right products. While swim pants are a more stylish alternative than diapers, many models don’t supply the necessary protection. This is because the materials are made to flow freely, which increases the risk of release.


If your hotel pool has a code brown, contact the professionals at A’e Loa Pool Service & Repair on Oahu, HI. This family-owned company has over 15 years of experience, and their CPO-certified team caters to hotels across the island. Visit their website to find out how they can help, or call (808) 391-2108 to schedule pool cleaning services.
