
Diamonds are beloved worldwide for their brilliant shine, unique nature, and overall beauty. While no two are the same, there are a variety of features that set certain diamonds apart. Use the guide below to learn what you should look for when purchasing jewelry.

What to Look for When Purchasing a Ring

1. Color

The value of a diamond is directly related to its color. It’s determined using the Gemological Institute of America color grade scale, which ranges from D, which is colorless, to Z, which can be light yellow or brown.

Colorless, or D-grade, diamonds are extremely rare and highly sought after, making them more expensive. Insiders claim that H- and I-colored diamonds appear colorless and can pass for D-grade diamonds at a fraction of the cost.

2. Cut

jewelryThe cut of a diamond refers to how its facets are positioned to create sparkle and shine.

The ratio of a diamond's diameter to its depth can help determine how well-proportioned it is, adding to its beauty and price. An equal ratio will be more likely to reflect light, giving the diamond a better shine.

When a diamond is fashioned, the cutter must work to maintain as much weight from the original stone as possible while also finding the best cut to showcase its natural brilliance. The cut of the diamond often has the most effect on its price.

3. Carat

Diamonds are measured using a unit known as a carat, which is equal to 0.2 grams. Many mistakenly believe that the carat refers to a diamond's size, when in fact, it refers to the weight of a loose stone before it has been placed in a setting. Commercial diamonds typically range in size from 0.25 carats to 5 carats, increasing in cost with the size.

4. Clarity

A diamond's clarity deals with the number of imperfections, or specs of dust, dirt, or carbon, that can be seen within the stone. While a perfect diamond does not exist in nature, the closer it is to perfect, the higher its value.

These imperfections, also known as inclusions, are only visible under a microscope and do not typically affect the overall appearance of the diamond.


When you're looking for beautiful diamond jewelry without the high-end price tag, contact the professionals at Pawn World in Kingman, AZ. For over 25 years, this family-owned business has provided a variety of brilliant jewelry, including engagement rings, wedding rings, and necklaces. Contact them at (928) 753-3700 or visit them online to learn more.
