
If your yard is unusually muddy, has large pools of water, or has a  sewage odor, you may have a problem with the septic drain field. Also called a leach field, this is the area where wastewater from your septic system is spread out to filter through the ground and reenter the environment as clean water. When the field is backed up or isn't filtering correctly, you need a professional to provide septic drain field repair. Here’s what you should know about this situation.

Common Causes of Drain Field Failure

Regular pumping is vital to your septic system. When it's not pumped every two to three years, solids that were separated out of the sewage can overflow the tank and run into the drain field. This clogs the pipes and soil of the field so that water can't filter through.

SepticWhen a heavy object like a car is placed on the drain field, it can crack the pipes below. Roots from trees and shrubs can also grow into the pipes, causing them to leak.

In some cases, the ground can also get compacted over time, making it more difficult for the water to flow. Bacteria can grow too thickly in the soil, or too much water can wash through the system at once and saturate the field.

How to Solve Drain Field Issues

First, your septic system professional will identify the cause of the problem. If it's damage to the pipes, they may need to dig up and repair or replace the equipment.

If the issue is the overuse of water, they might recommend water-saving fixtures, or might expand the drain field if there's room. For clogged or compacted soil, they may use specialized probes to fracture the soil, or other techniques that loosen up the area.


When your septic drain field needs rehabilitation, call Tri County Systems in Rochester, NY. They offer quick, reliable service, including high-quality tank installation and thorough septic cleaning.  Call (585) 467-2550 to make an appointment or visit them online to learn more about their services.
