
Whether you’re promoting an event, overhauling your company’s branding identity, or publishing a magazine, part of the process depends on digital printing. As is the case with all creative industries, technology continues to develop in this field, making it more efficient and secure. While traditional printing methods and applications show no signs of going away any time soon, the following innovations have been popping up.

Modern Trends in Digital Printing

1. Cloud Printing

Although cloud printing has been around for a while now, it continues to grow in popularity as it becomes more secure. This increased security ultimately makes it easier for a printing services company to streamline their workflow and boost their productivity since they don’t have to be directly next to the machinery every time they're completing an order.

2. Sustainability

digital printingEnvironmentally conscious production has been a concern in many industries, from manufacturing to fashion, and digital printing is no different. New plant-based papers and inks are emerging that are less harmful to the environment, as some are even fully biodegradable and can safely go into compost. A fun example of this is plantable paper—not only is it made with a post-consumer fiber that's biodegradable, but it also has wildflower seeds embedded in it that'll bloom into flowers if properly planted.

3. Broader Range of Printable Materials

If you want a design printed, you're no longer limited to a handful of materials, such as paper or cotton fabric. Now, you can print glass, metal, and other textiles, such as spandex, faster and with much more detail than before. As this expands and becomes more widely available, it'll give people and businesses more creative freedom regarding what they make or sell, as well as how they promote it.


If you’re looking for a digital printing expert to bring your banner, business cards, or any other item to life, contact America North Printers. This Anchorage, AK, company has provided high-quality custom goods for residents and businesses throughout the region for more than 40 years. Not only do they handle the physical printing of the materials, but they can also help you with the design. For an expanded list of their services, visit their website. If you’re ready to start on your project, call them today at (907) 562-6416.
