
Many people are unsure of what items are appropriate to put down the drain. However, washing the wrong objects down sinks or toilets can result in the need for plumbing repairs. Here are a few of these items.

Which Items Should You Not Put Down the Drain?

1. Grease, Oils, & Fats

These three materials fall into the same category. Because of their dense composition, they can easily clog pipes. They’re also sticky, which makes them function like a natural adhesive that gathers food particles and builds an even bigger blockage.

2. Coffee Grounds

Even if grounds are promoted as water soluble, they don’t break down as quickly as many people would hope. While it’s easy to dump them down the kitchen drain after making a pot of coffee, it can lead to a clog quickly. Instead, throw them in the garbage.

3. Flour

plumbing repairFlour is a popular cooking component for its ability to hold other ingredients together. But that glue-like quality doesn’t disappear once it gets dumped down your drain. As it mixes with water, flour becomes a sticky mess that builds up a massive clog over time and will likely require plumbing repairs. 

4. Cotton Balls

Just because the packaging says biodegradable doesn’t mean that these should be flushed down the toilet. Even if they break apart, this can take a long time. Until then, they’ll absorb water and function as a stubborn blockage that prevents water, soap, and hair from making it down the pipes.

5. Cleaning Fluids

Don’t dump that excess cleaning fluid over the drain. While it may not cause a clog and require plumbing repair, it can contaminate the water supply. The same should be avoided with car fluids or medication.  


When you need plumbing repair, choose Murphy’s Plumbing Company in Mebane, NC. This plumbing contractor has 30 years of experience and can help you deal with a clogged drain, broken toilet, or burst pipe. To find out what else they offer, visit them online or call (919) 563-5165.
