
All military service members must take regular physical training (PT) tests to ensure they meet their branch’s minimum fitness requirements. The components of the exam vary from branch to branch, but they usually include timed runs, sit-ups, and push-ups. Consequently, people preparing for the exam need to spend a lot of time at the gym. If you’re anxious about your next PT test, follow these three tips to improve your performance. 

How to Prepare for a Military PT Test

1. Create a Training Plan

At least six weeks before the test, come up with a training plan. Aim to progress gradually, so you don’t injure yourself. Track your progress so you can detect which areas you need to work on the most. 

For example, to prepare for the running test, you could start with a couple of slow one and a half-mile jogs in the first week, then four in the second week. Afterward, strive for a few two and a half-mile runs along with a single one and a half-mile jog in week four.  Finally, go for three-mile runs and a one and a half-mile run for five days of the fifth and sixth weeks.

2. Practice Sit-Ups & Push-Ups Whenever You Can 

gymRepetition is essential to excelling at pushups and situps. Try getting some in whenever you’re outside the gym, such as when you wake up, while you’re watching TV, and before you go to sleep. As with running, it’s crucial to avoid injury by gradually increasing the number of repetitions you do over the weeks. 

3. Eat & Drink Well

Prepare your body for the test by limiting junk food, which hinders your energy and provides very few nutrients. Focus on nutritious foods like lean proteins, fruits, and vegetables, and drink plenty of water. On the day of the test, eat one light meal and, if you need more energy, a small, healthy snack like a banana or some carrots. These foods will give your body the nutrients it needs to perform well on the test.


Meet your PT goals more quickly by heading to Bombers CrossFit® in Beavercreek, OH. Since we’re located right near the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, we have plenty of experience helping people prepare for military PT tests. Our certified trainers and dietary counselors will ensure you have what it takes to master the exam. To learn more about our gym, visit us online or call (318) 401-1538. 
