
Your kids might be more excited about playing sports or mastering a video game than reading a book. How can you get them interested in Bible study?  It can be challenging to encourage your children to learn the intriguing stories and valuable lessons in the Bible. If you need help getting your kids excited about their faith, use the following pointers to push them in the right direction.

How to Get Your Children Interested in Bible Study

1. Let Them Explore

Children of all ages respond well to interactive, hands-on play, which can make a physical Bible a lot more interesting than some words on a screen. When you first introduce Bible study into your household, let your children get an up-close look at the book.

Show them how each section has its own name and how the numbers correspond to the scripture. Then, show them the maps in the back of the book and explain that the stories you’ll read take place in these ancient and mysterious lands.

2. Break the Stories Down

bible studyReading scripture straight from a standard Bible can leave small children confused and unengaged. Instead, show your child just how accessible these stories are.

Break them down and tell them in your own words, and allow your child to interject with questions as you go. As they get older, you can show them how your explanations correlate to the more advanced words in the text.

3. Get Them Their Own Bible

There are plenty of versions of the Bible made for children to understand, and you can find one that corresponds to your child’s age. For smaller kids, consider a Bible with pictures so they can get invested in the stories when they’re still learning how to read.

Let your child decorate their personal Bible with stickers and other adornments, and encourage them to take it on long car rides. They can explore the stories at their own pace, and you’ll have topics to discuss during your study sessions together. 


If you’re interested in raising your child to grow in faith, consider taking them to Mount Hebron Missionary Baptist Church of Dickinson, TX. This congregation hosts weekly worship services led by Reverend Kevin Reeves, as well as Wednesday night Bible studies. To learn how to get involved, visit the website or call (409) 218-9339.
