
This is a difficult time with COVID-19.  For the safety of everyone, we are making some changes to our current client appointments when clients typically accompany their pets during their appointment.

Effective Immediately: March 16, 2020 -- COVID-19 BTVS Client Protocol 

Our top priority right now is the safety of our team, doctors and other clients. In order to continue offering our services and to keep within the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines regarding the transmission of COVID-19, we are making the following changes to our client protocol today and lasting for as long as the guidelines are in place.

**NOTE - If pet owners refuse to follow these new protocols - they will be asked to reschedule for when the guidelines are no longer in place.

New client protocol includes:  

1- In order to protect the safety of our team, our doctors and other clients, we request all clients showing signs of illness that can be associated with COVID-19 remain at home and not bring their pet to BTVS. 

2- We are asking pet owners not to enter the building, in order to minimize contact distances.   

3- Please call from your car when you arrive for your appointment.  Let us know you have arrived and what type of vehicle you are in.  Clients are to remain in their vehicle and our staff will come to them to bring their pet in for their appointment.

4 – We ask clients to remain on-site in their vehicle during their pet's appointment so they are immediately available should we have any questions and in order to return their pet as quickly as possible to reduce the pet's stress.

5 - If any additional information is needed prior to performing our diagnostics, or any additional tests are needed beyond the examination (Bloodwork and or x- Rays) a team member or doctor will contact the client via phone.

6 - Once the pet has been fully evaluated, the doctor will contact the client - via phone - to go over their findings, recommendations and answer any questions they may have.  The client's call will then be transferred to a client service representative that will collect payment via credit card over the phone. We ask our clients to please use credit cards vs other payment types (cash or check) at this time.

7– Any medications dispensed will be brought out to the client with their pet when the evaluation is complete.

8 – If you are sick and your pet must receive immediate medical attention, please arrange for another individual to bring your pet in. 

9 – Surgical and anesthetic procedures will be taken on a case-by-case situation.

10 – We are trying our best to keep medications in stock – please call at least 3 days in advance for refills. 

11 – Thank you for your understanding as BTVS keeps our clients, patients and employees as healthy as possible during the COVID-19 pandemic.


We strive to offer the same great service while minimizing risk for all parties at this time. We will continue to monitor the situation and communicate any changes.

Thank you for your patience and understanding and please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. 
