
Nearly everyone has dry eyes at some point, but for many, the irritation is a real problem. This condition requires specialized eye care to limit discomfort and improve vision. In the meantime, it helps to know what causes eye dryness. Here are five potential triggers to watch out for.

Why Do You Have Dry Eyes?

1. Medications

If you’re taking medications like antihistamines, beta-blockers, diuretics, or antidepressants, the odds of dealing with dry eyes increase. Radiation treatments, steroids, immunotherapy, and chemotherapy may also cause this issue.

Talk with your doctor about adjusting which meds you take or changing the doses to lower the discomfort of dry eyes. Use eye drops during the day and eye lubrication at night to perform eye care at home if you’re taking medications that limit tear production.

2. Tear Mixture Imbalance

eye care Greater Cincinnati and Northern KentuckyHuman tears contain water, mucus, and oil. If your eyelids don’t produce adequate oil to prevent the tears from evaporating quickly, the liquid will not last long enough to keep the eyes moist. This issue is often caused by skin disorders that block the meibomian glands and reduce or stop tear production. 

3. Screen Time

When staring at a phone, tablet, or computer, human eyes blink less to take in everything they’re seeing. Decreased blinking rates mean less lubrication, which can cause dry eyes. Take breaks every few minutes to focus on blinking and naturally moisturize your eyes. This practice will also minimize eye strain.

4. Weather

Add sunglasses or goggles to your eye care routine to minimize UV ray exposure. These accessories will also limit wind that can quickly evaporate tears. Don wraparound sunglasses to reduce the likelihood of this condition in the spring, summer, and fall, and wear ski goggles in the winter if you’re in a particularly cold area.

5. Aging

Many people over age 50 have limited tear production, especially women who have gone through menopause. Additionally, older individuals are more likely to have health problems like autoimmune diseases and arthritis that can further dry up natural tear production.


If you’re dealing with irritation from dry eyes, contact Midwest Eye Center: A Division of TriState Centers for Sight in the greater Cincinnati area and northern Kentucky to schedule an appointment. The expert staff offers dry eye treatment and addresses punctal occlusion, pterygium removal, diabetic retinopathy, macular degeneration, and more. Call the eye care experts at (859) 525-6215 or visit the website for information on the experienced and highly trained team.
