
Although both transport people from one place to another for a fee, town cars and taxis are not the same. Each type of vehicle is reliable and helpful, but one may be more appropriate than the other depending on the circumstances. Knowing the differences between the two can help you choose which one to call when you need a ride.

What Is a Town Car? 

A town car is large enough to carry five or more people in the back at once. They’re spacious enough to allow ample legroom and have more comfortable seating than the average car. Some town cars are classified as limousines, but they’re also available as vans.

taxiTown cars are typically operated by drivers who are both licensed and insured. They’re also highly trained in customer service and must routinely pass rigorous background checks. Usually, town cars are reserved in advance, though many require your trip to be at least two hours long.

What Is a Taxi? 

Taxi cabs are more well-known than town cars, mainly because they’re more numerous and cost-effective. The drivers are always required to have a valid license and a clean driving record. There are no taxi limousines, but you can find taxi vans for larger groups.

Although you can reserve or call taxis, they can also be hailed anytime. Since they’re often painted a bright color, they’re easy to spot when you need them.

Which One Should You Choose? 

Both town car services and taxi cabs offer the advantages of 24/7 availability and the flexibility to pick you up right at your door and take you exactly where you need to go.

However, for shorter trips, taxi cabs may be the wiser choice, since they cost less and don’t require you to spend any particular amount of time inside. For trips that are two hours or longer, you’ll be more comfortable in a town car, provided you give enough notice to reserve one. 

Whether you decide you prefer a town car or taxi cab, OMALiNK Airport Shuttle Charter & Town Car Service can ensure that you’re transported safely and comfortably. Based in Lincoln, NE, they’ve operated as a reliable and friendly courier service for more than 15 years, offering charter buses and shuttle vans as well. They guarantee that you and your belongings will be perfectly secure during your trip. Make a reservation by calling (402) 475-5465 or filling out a form online
