
It can be disheartening to discover a weak stream of water flowing from your faucets. That’s the last thing that you expect when you turn on the shower or attempt to wash your hands. But what’s the reason for this sudden drop in water pressure? Here are some common culprits that might require a little assistance from a plumber.

Why Your Water Pressure Is Suddenly Low

1. Corrosion in the Pipes

Pipes can develop rust over time, which can cause the material to break down slowly. As it corrodes, the buildup can accumulate inside the pipes and eventually cause stubborn blockages that prevent the proper flow of water.

In addition, you might notice that the water has an unusual odor or taste, or that it appears discolored. Plumbers can clean affected areas, but if it’s more of a widespread concern, then you might consider replacing the sections entirely to improve pressure throughout the home.

2. A Leak in the House

WI plumberSmall leaks might not seem like much of an immediate concern, but they can have a significant impact on water flow in the home. When water flows out of a break or hole in the pipes, it can’t efficiently reach fixtures where you actually need it.

That causes reduced pressure. In many cases, you might need a plumber to actually locate and repair the leak since it’s not always visible to the naked eye.

3. Debris Buildup on Aerator

Sometimes the simplest explanation is the right one. If you notice that pressure is significantly weaker in one faucet than another, it could be because there’s debris built up on the faucet’s aerator. This component is designed to minimize splashing and control water flow without affecting the pressure.

But this part also has a mesh screen that’s prone to collecting sediment. If there’s too much, it can prevent normal flow. You can resolve this by turning off the water supply, removing the aerator, and using a toothbrush to scrub away at the grime.


Are you concerned about low water pressure in your home? Have the plumbers at Pelner-Williams Plumbing & Heating take a look. Proudly serving clients throughout Central and South Central Wisconsin, the company offers plumbing repairs, clogged drain cleaning, and more. They’ll investigate your water fixtures and pipes closely for signs of a problem and provide you with the right solution. Visit them online for information, or call (715) 424-7800 to schedule an appointment.
