
As the weather begins to warm up, homeowners are turning on their air conditioners for the first time this year. If you notice a strange smell while the unit is running, this could be a sign that you need to schedule A/C repairs. To determine the source of the odor, and eliminate it, learn more about the following five sources of bad smells from air conditioners. 

5 Reasons Why Your AC Smells Bad

1. Mold & Mildew

In addition to emitting cool air, air conditioners remove excess moisture from the atmosphere. When that excess moisture can’t drain properly from the unit, mold or mildew may start to form. Dirty filters can also give off a mildew odor when they’re ready to be changed. In addition to being unpleasant to smell, mold particles in the air can create adverse health effects, like coughing and sneezing from irritated sinuses. If your A/C lets off the smell of mold, call a professional HVAC technician for A/C repair immediately.

2. Rotten Eggs

Air conditioners are not powered with gas, like a furnace. Therefore, if your home smells like rotten eggs when you run the A/C, the most likely culprit is a dead animal in the ductwork. Birds and small mammals sometimes take shelter in air ducts, die, and decompose there. Consequently, when you run your air conditioner, the smell circulates with the conditioned air. Your ductwork will need to be professionally cleaned to resolve the issue. 

3. Gun Powder 

ac repairWhen an air conditioner’s fan motor or circuit board shorts out, it can release a burning scent similar to gunpowder. Without a fan motor, the unit cannot circulate cool air effectively. If you notice a gunpowder scent and poor A/C performance, call an A/C repair professional to fix the short. 

4. Exhaust

Because air conditioners run on electricity, the smell of exhaust is a sure sign that fluids inside the unit’s engines have leaked out. Resolving this issue requires the attention of a skilled professional, as these are not repairs you should attempt yourself.

5. Dirty Socks

A dirty or clogged air conditioner can create a smell similar to old dirty socks. Typically, this points to a dirty or clogged air conditioner. When dirt and moisture collect in the unit instead of draining properly, it can start to smell. A dirty evaporator coil can also create a similar odor. If you notice this smell, it’s time to schedule A/C maintenance. 


If you need A/C repair to resolve a foul odor, reach out to Walter's - Eaton's Electric, Plumbing, Heating & AC in Pierce County, WI. In business since 1952, their talented, licensed technicians offer an array of residential and commercial services from electrical and plumbing to HVAC maintenance and repair. Call (715) 273-5589 to schedule an appointment, or visit their Facebook page for more information about their services.
