
After pregnancy, mothers continue to provide nutrients to their newborns through breastfeeding. Human milk contains lactoferrin and other bioactive molecules that help the immune system and organs develop. To ensure your infant gets the vital nutrients they need, below are breastfeeding tips and common mistakes to avoid. 


Start breastfeeding immediately.

The baby latching on to the breast stimulates milk production. The more the infant latches on, the more milk you will produce. To this end, make sure to breastfeed soon after giving birth. To be nearby so you can nurse often, the infant should be kept in a crib in the room with you.

Know how to identify signs of hunger.

pregnancyIn addition to a short cry, your baby will alert you when they’re hungry in other ways. Pay attention to mouth movements, including sucking motions.

Restlessness can also mean it’s time for a feeding. Set reminders on your phone or watch, as newborns need to breastfeed every two or three hours to remain nourished.  


Cut feedings short.

In order for the infant to get the full measure of nutrients, they should suckle from both breasts during a feeding session. This usually involves feeding on one breast for 15 to 20 minutes before moving on.

You’ll know the milk supply needs to replenish when the tissue feels soft again. Burp the baby to remove air buildup before offering the second breast.

Adopt an unhealthy diet.

As the vitamins and minerals in the food you eat transfer to the baby through breast milk, stick to a diet of nutrient-rich fare. In addition to leafy greens, whole grains, lean protein, and fruits, speak to your doctor about other ways to supply more nutrients through breast milk. They might recommend continuing to take the vitamins you took during pregnancy.



For help during your pregnancy and assistance bringing your newborn into the world at home, contact Home Birth with Love. Based in Suffern, NY, the registered nurse and certified nurse-midwife has been assisting with safe home births in the Bronx, NY, as well as Rockland, Westchester, and Orange counties for over 17 years. She also provides prenatal care for a healthy pregnancy. Learn more about the services online or call (845) 641-5058 for information. 
