
Solar panels are an innovative and revolutionary invention that helps homeowners harness the sun’s energy. As manufacturing processes become more efficient, panel production continues to reduce its carbon footprint. If you want to install a solar system to make your home more eco-friendly, here’s some information about the panels and how they can support your green efforts.

What Are the Components of a Solar Panel?

Solar Cells

The large, black, visible panels are solar cells, and they’re made of silicon semiconductors. These cells are responsible for absorbing sunlight and creating an electric current. Your system will use several cells to make a panel, and many panels to create a grid.


Although the cells convert sunlight to electricity, this raw form of energy can’t be used by homes just yet. The inverter is needed to change the electricity into a useable form of energy that’s compatible with households. Once converted, the energy will be able to power any appliance, such as AC units and water heaters.

Mounting System

solar panelsThe solar system’s components are secured to a surface using a mounting system. While many homeowners opt to attach the panels to their roofs, they can also be secured to the ground or another safe, sunny area. If you live in the southern hemisphere, your panels should face north at a 30- to 45-degree angle to optimize their solar absorption.

Is Manufacturing Solar Panels Good for the Environment?

Solar panel manufacturing’s carbon footprint has consistently diminished for the last 40 years. Though carbon dioxide is still a byproduct of the process, it’s significantly less than coal or natural gas. Additionally, when it comes to disposing of panels, some manufacturers offer a recycling program for their customers to further reduce their carbon footprints.


If you want to make your home more eco-friendly, contact the team at Solar Help Hawaii in Honolulu. These professionals will install solar panels to reduce your household’s reliance on traditional energy sources. Once your system is installed, they’ll suggest ways to make your home even more energy-efficient, like adding a solar water heater and pool pump. To get more information about their services, visit their website or call (808) 548-4357.
