
Anxiety about visiting the dentist is common for people of all ages. Whatever the reason for your anxiety or phobia, it’s important to visit a dentist every six months for deep cleanings and oral checkups. If you have trouble overcoming your fears, consider sedation dentistry. Learn about it in this guide to decide whether it’s right for you.

What Is Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation dentistry either relaxes you to appease anxiety or keeps you unconscious for a procedure. Dentists use different techniques for this, including nitrous oxide, or “laughing gas.” Once administered, this gas relaxes the patient and reduces saliva flow and gag reflex. The gas takes effect in about five minutes, and wears off after about 30 minutes.

sedation dentistryOral sedatives also keep the patient awake but relaxed during a dental procedure. With this option, the patient takes the medication about an hour before their appointment. Unlike nitrous oxide, oral sedatives take longer to wear off and can make people feel groggy for a few hours.

IV sedation uses general anesthesia intravenously. This puts patients in a state between consciousness and unconsciousness, and people may not remember the procedures afterward. Also known as sleep dentistry, this medication takes a few hours to wear off as well.

No matter which type of sedative your dentist uses, you need a friend or family member to drive you home after the procedure.

Who Does This Benefit?

Sedation dentistry solves dental anxiety. It’s ideal if you have fears about a procedure, a sensitive gag reflex, or a low pain threshold. You may also find it beneficial if you need extensive dental work or have a small mouth that’s sensitive to dental tools.

If you often avoid visiting the dentist because of one of the above reasons, sedation dentistry helps you keep up with regular appointments. This decreases the risk of tooth decay and gum disease, allowing you to maintain a healthy mouth free of excess plaque and tartar. It also allows you to receive more dental work at once, limiting the number of required dental visits and helping you save time and money on travel. 

If sedation dentistry is right for you, make an appointment at Riviera Dental Care PC. Residents throughout the Greater Foley, AL, area rely on this practice for restorative and cosmetic dentistry services. Before sedation appointments, they give patients prescriptions for sedatives they can take the night before to help them rest and wake up feeling their best. Call (251) 943-3368 to discuss your needs, or learn more about their sedation process online.
