
Although qiviut shares certain characteristics with a few other luxurious fibers, this wool from the musk ox is a one-of-kind material. In fact, when placed side by side with comparable fibers, many of its features cannot be matched. Here is why it often makes a better investment than other, more common materials.

What Are the Characteristics of Qiviut?

This material is made from the fine, downy undercoat of the arctic musk ox. It is incredibly soft, surpassing the fine touch of cashmere or angora. Compared to sheep’s wool, qiviut it is lighter-weight and preserves heat up to eight times better. It is also naturally hypoallergenic, odorless, and durable, so it will not shrink or shed.

Where to Find It

qiviutUnlike cashmere or silk, qiviut remains incredibly rare. Due to overhunting in the 1800s, there are currently only two musk ox farms in the country actively producing this luxury fiber. Makers comb away the undercoat each spring when the Arctic mammals begin shedding and then spin it into yarn. 

The only material that’s nearly comparable to qiviut when it comes to warmth, softness, and durability is vicuna wool. However, because of qiviut’s fine and light texture, a single pound can be spun into a 40-yard strand. This means the yarn can be made into more products, so it remains less expensive than its rare Andean cousin. 


To experience the softness of this material for yourself, reach out to Oomingmak Musk Ox Producers’ Co-Operative in Anchorage, AK. Since 1969, this gift shop owned by 250 Native Alaskan women has produced traditional handmade items that are 100 percent qiviut and natural in color. Visit their website today to place an order for their knitted scarves, stoles, smokerings, hats, and tunics. You can also call them at (907) 272-9225 to learn more about their products and knitters. 
