
Coffee is one of the most popular drinks in the world, with a full range of flavors and preparation styles available at shops in every town. However, while your daily coffee habit may be satisfying, it can also affect your oral health. To protect your smile, learn more about the effects of coffee and how to improve your dental care below.

What Does Coffee Do to Your Teeth?

Coffee is naturally full of tannins, which are compounds that sink into your enamel and cause a noticeable yellowing effect, especially with prolonged exposure over time. Unfortunately, these stains often can't be removed with ordinary dental care. Since many coffee drinks are sugary, and coffee itself is slightly acidic, it also increases your risk of tooth decay by weakening your enamel and feeding the bacteria in your mouth. Finally, coffee has a strong smell that can cling to your tongue, causing bad breath.

How Can You Prevent Problems?

Dental CareThe less time your teeth are exposed to coffee, the less time tannins have to sink into your enamel. You can reduce your exposure by drinking less coffee, and drinking it quickly instead of sipping slowly over time. A straw also prevents the coffee from touching your teeth. After drinking, rinse your mouth with clean water to wash away the residue and dilute sugars and acids left behind. Additionally, practice effective dental care, including brushing your teeth and scraping your tongue, to remove more residue and bacteria. Finally, if you already have stained teeth, ask your dentist about teeth whitening to help restore your smile.


For general and cosmetic dental care in Anchorage, AK, choose Chinook Family Dentistry. For over 35 years, the fully licensed and certified dentists Dr. Symonds and Dr. Lathrop have treated patients of all ages, putting health and safety first. Call (907) 272-8422 to schedule an appointment, or visit their website to learn more about how they can help.
