
First, we want to thank all our customers for your support during this unprecedented time in our country and world.  We often joke that “coffee is life”, but in reality, we know that the health and welfare of our family, friends, and community is what’s most important. 

To that end here are some facts about how we are going about our business during this crisis:

  • We are a true “Mom and Pop” shop.  Jane and Marty Russo are the co-owners and only employees.  For the foreseeable future, only Jane will be going into our small warehouse to process orders.  Marty is working from home and handling routine office duties. 
  • We are an online retailer - we do not have a retail storefront and are not typically open to the public.  We have limited office hours (16 hours/week) during which we have few visitors, and Jane sanitizes our small office space after each visit.  Most days no one visits or enters our building.
  • We maintain a certified and licensed Food Processing Plant (Wisconsin DATCP 72) and follow all guidelines for sanitization.  We added brand new 3-bay sinks and handwashing stations when we purchased this location 2 years ago.  We designed the operation to allow thorough and efficient sanitization practices.
  • We do not have a loading dock, so no outside delivery equipment or personnel enter our building. 
  • Jane sanitizes all work surfaces and equipment before/after each workday, and she’s added this routine after filling and packing each order.  She wears nitrile non-latex gloves throughout the work day.   Jane was a Dental Hygienist and has implemented similar health practices.


Again, we appreciate your support and loyalty.  We love this little company, and will work hard to continue to provide you with a wide selection of the highest quality 100% Specialty Grade Arabica Beans. 

Most importantly, we wish you all good health.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at:



Office Phone: 715-378-2448

Voice/Text: 612-518-6080 (Marty) and 651-341-7988 (Jane)
