
With temperatures starting to warm up across the country, the time will soon be here to start running your air conditioner daily. Before Summer arrives, however, you should schedule an air conditioning checkup. Here’s a closer look at why you shouldn’t overlook this essential service.

Benefits of Air Conditioning Checkups

air conditioning checkupsThe primary purpose of an air conditioning checkup is to inspect your system for any potential maintenance issues, such as cracked coils or bad wiring. Your contractor will then make adjustments to improve your energy efficiency. Keeping your system functioning properly will lower your energy bills and reduce the possible need for more expensive emergency repairs during the summer. Catching problems early on will prevent damages from getting out of hand, and ultimately help extend the life of your unit.

Also, most HVAC manufacturers require that you get a tune-up to maintain warranty coverage. If you don’t follow these maintenance guidelines, your protection could be voided.

What's Included in a Checkup?

Air conditioning checkups cover a wide range of tasks. Basic services include calibrating the thermostat, replacing air filters, and clearing the condensate drain line. However, technicians will also measure blower motor amperage, check for refrigerant leaks, and inspect fan blades, electrical wiring, and other vital parts. 

This comprehensive checkup also includes inspections for both the outdoor condenser unit and the indoor portion of your HVAC system. By checking each part, you can have confidence that your unit will be operating at peak capacity in time for summer. 


From spring air conditioning checkups to more intensive heating and cooling repairs, you can count on Philip Perkins Heating & Air Conditioning in Middletown, OH to get the job done. In business for nearly 30 years, this HVAC contractor is available 24/7 to provide help when you need it most. To learn more about their services, visit them online or call (513) 423-7052.
