
LaRowe Gerlach Taggart is committed to providing our clients with quality representation during this time of crisis surrounding COVID-19. We prioritize our current and potential clients’ health and safety, and the health and safety of our employees.

We also prioritize people’s need for uninterrupted excellent legal representation even in these times of crisis. Therefore, all of our services at LaRowe Gerlach Taggart will continue to be available, with some modification. Our physical offices will be closed effective Tuesday, March 17 until further notice.

We are Open for Business Virtually During All Regularly Scheduled Office Hours. This means LGT employees will all be working remotely to provide our clients with the same high level of communication, strategy, advice and advocacy they have become accustomed to.

• We will attend all court appearances as scheduled and held based on the court's guidelines regarding hearings for this time.

• We will work with clients and opposing counsel to safely hold mediation and other alternative dispute resolution events.

• We continue to offer Initial Consultations with people considering using LaRowe Gerlach Taggart for their legal needs. Please call us at 608-524-8231 to set up an appointment either by phone. We are here to help you.
