
Windows are a huge contributor to home comfort, as they help keep heat in during winter and heat out during summer. If yours are so old you can’t remember when they were installed, it’s a very good idea to consider window replacement before winter’s chill takes over. The window installation experts at NuVue Products - The Window Market in Cincinnati, OH, offer energy-efficient, high-quality options that will keep your home cozy no matter how frigid the weather outside.

Consider the following benefits of replacing your windows before winter:

  • Money Saver: New, energy-efficient windows contribute greatly to home comfort and subsequently lower energy bills. Old windows with multiple air leaks and other problems are a big reason why energy bills skyrocket during cold weather.
  • Hazard Prevention: Windows damaged due to age or other reasons are a huge hazard. They may not open or shut properly, resulting in leaks and water damage. Windows that don’t work as they should also present dangers to children and pets, with winter weather only exacerbating existing issues. Cold weather makes glass brittle and subject to breakage.

  • Increased Home Value: New windows add much to your home’s curb appeal, especially when you're trying to sell. Energy-efficient windows are a huge selling point that always piques buyer interest.
  • Tax Credit: Qualifying energy-efficient windows result in government tax credits of up to $1,500.

Discuss these and other excellent reasons for window replacement with the friendly team at NuVue Products - The Window Market, and enjoy beautiful new windows this winter. Your home will be more comfortable, safe, and visually pleasing, and you’ll save money on costly winter energy bills.

For more on window installation and other services available through NuVue Products - The Window Market, contact the Cincinnati window specialists today. Call (513) 631-1801 or visit the website.
