
Marriage changes a lot for people. After all, marriage combines two separate lives into a single unit. With tasks like changing a spouse’s legal last name or combining bank accounts, other duties, like combining auto insurance plans, may sometimes be overlooked. However, understanding when you should or shouldn’t combine auto insurance policies will help you get your marriage started on the right track.

Why You Should Combine Auto Insurance Policies

In most circumstances, your best option is to combine insurance policies with your spouse, even if you each have your own vehicle. Insurers view married couples as being more stable and safer drivers, which results in lower rates. Many insurers also offer additional discounts when you have multiple vehicles on the same policy.

auto insuranceHaving your spouse on your policy is also a convenient move. Even if you each have your own car, your spouse might occasionally need to drive your vehicle. If they aren’t listed on your policy, any insurance claims you attempt to file could be denied because you misrepresented household information to your insurer.

When Shouldn’t You Add Your Spouse to Your Policy?

While adding your spouse to your auto insurance is financially beneficial in most instances, you might want to think twice if they have a bad driving record resulting from accidents or moving violations. 

High-risk drivers tend to carry much higher insurance rates, which could increase your expenses if you were to combine policies. However, if you share bank accounts, adding a spouse with a poor driving record could help you save a little bit of money as a family by qualifying you for multiple-vehicle discounts.


If you need to protect yourself with quality auto insurance coverage, contact Richards Insurance Agency. Serving Lincoln, NE, since 1994, the friendly staff at this full-service insurance agency can help you get coverage for a wide variety of life’s situations. To learn more about their offerings or to request an insurance quote, visit them online or call (402) 420-5353.
