
When a loved one moves into a nursing home, you might expect the staff to provide quality care while treating residents with the utmost respect. Unfortunately, nursing home neglect is a frequent issue. While there are rules and regulations in place to ensure the safety of the patients, constant understaffing at these facilities can result in neglect and even abuse. Knowing about the understaffing crisis in nursing homes can help you make more informed decisions regarding your loved one’s care.

Causes of Understaffing

As many as 95% of nursing homes in the United States are understaffed. The cost of labor is a significant factor for this phenomenon, as well as a high turnover rate. With too few staff members, the remaining employees are often overscheduled and underpaid.

This can cause a lot of stress and even psychological issues for staff members, resulting in accidental or even purposeful neglect of residents. In addition, a high turnover rate can sometimes result in the nursing home quickly hiring employees who don’t have the proper experience or credentials.

How Understaffing Affects Seniors

nursing home neglectThe staff members at nursing homes are responsible for feeding, medicating, and bathing elderly residents. Nursing homes are supposed to protect and care for people in need of extra help. When responsibilities are neglected, at-risk seniors can develop health issues.

Some seniors have to be frequently moved in their beds to prevent sores and muscle atrophy. When this task is overlooked, residents can develop painful infections. Infections can also happen if residents don’t have assistance with bathing, especially if they struggle with making it to the bathroom on their own.

Seniors should stick to a routine when it comes to meals and medications. When this routine is not followed, malnutrition and illness can result. Ultimately, some people feel that nursing home neglect may have led to the death of their loved ones.


If you have a loved one who you believe is a victim of nursing home neglect or abuse, contact Reed Law Offices PC, LLC in Omaha, NE. Attorney Shayla Reed is committed to fighting for the justice and compensation you deserve. She is passionate and determined when it comes to proving her client’s cases. For more information, visit the firm online or call (402) 933-0588.
