
Animals and insects are always hunting for shelter and food, and since your dumpster or garbage bin provides both, it is very attractive to them. They’ll create a significant mess, may damage the surrounding property, and become a danger to people or pets. Follow the tips below to keep bees, flies, roaches, raccoons, opossums, and other pests out of your garbage collection containers.

How to Keep Pests Out of Your Garbage Collection Containers

1. Close the Lid

A lid is the best way to keep out both insects and larger critters. Always keep the lid closed. The only time it should be open is when you’re putting garbage in there. Secure the lid with a lock and latch if the container has one.

2. Seal Food Waste

ozark, AL dumpsterThe smell of food will attract pests to your garbage collection bins, so you want to minimize the scent as much as possible. Seal all of your organic trash in airtight bags. If possible, avoid taking food waste out to the bin until a day or two before your trash pickup is scheduled.

3. Choose the Right Storage Area

Place your bin away from foliage since animals use trees and shrubs for shelter. Low hanging branches or thick foliage near the bin provide shelter and easy access to the bin. Place your bin against a wall, and if you have a spot where it can be close to two or three walls, place it there. Larger critters, such as raccoons, may try to push it over to get to the food inside.

4. Keep It Clean

Cleaning your garbage bin will keep the odors and grime at bay, both of which attract insects. Once a month, wash the bin out with soap and water. Mist the outside of the bin with an ammonia and water mixture, which serves as a natural repellent.


A dumpster from Southeast Waste Disposal helps you keep your property clean, sanitary, and pest-free. This garbage collection company serves Ozark, AL, and the surrounding communities with affordable and efficient solutions. They have a large selection of quality dumpsters and bins to choose from, so you can find the right container for your needs. Learn more on their website and call (334) 774-4158 to set up your dumpster service.
