
If you’re recently engaged, you might be considering talking to a family law attorney about getting a prenup. However, many soon-to-be-married couples fall victim to misconceptions about this practice, which could lead you to avoid looking into it altogether. Here are a few commonly believed falsehoods about prenups.

3 Myths You Shouldn’t Believe About Prenups

1. Getting One Means You Don’t Trust Your Partner 

One of the most commonly held misbeliefs about prenups is that getting one inherently means you and your soon-to-be spouse don’t trust each other. However, getting a prenup often means the opposite. Broaching this subject with your partner can be difficult, and having an honest conversation about your concerns means you trust them enough to be receptive, accepting, and loving throughout the process.

2. Only Wealthy Couples Get Prenups

family lawMost people associate prenuptial agreements with finances. And while it’s true that family law attorneys recommend taking this precaution if you have funds that you want to ensure won’t be split during a divorce, this isn’t the only reason you should consider one. Prenups also provide pre-existing provisions for factors like debts, child care, and the division of physical assets. 

3. They’re Only Useful for a Divorce 

Prenuptial agreements are for more than just a divorce. They also provide guidelines that allow married couples to get on—and stay on—the same page regarding finances and property management. By thinking about how you’d like to plan for these assets in the future, you and your partner will build a stronger foundation for your marriage. 


If you need a family law attorney to help you put together a prenup, turn to the team at The Law Offices of Conti, Levy and Salerno, LLC in Torrington, CT. These seasoned professionals have over 75 years of combined experience handling a variety of family law cases. Call (860) 482-4451 to schedule a consultation or visit their website to learn more.
