
If you’re looking for excitement, breathtaking views, and the possibility of seeing one of nature’s most majestic mammals, go whale watching in Hawaii. To improve your chances of an encounter, you should travel to the islands while the animals are visiting during their migration. This guide explains everything you need to know to have the best experience.

Whale Watching Season & Locations

The best time to see these creatures in Hawaii is during the winter and spring. While you can spot whales any time of the year, they come to Hawaiian waters in the highest numbers from November to May, and the season’s peak lasts from January to March.

During this time, whales can be seen from most shores, and the largest concentration tends to hang out around Maui. If you hop aboard a charter boat, you can encounter a humpback anywhere from Oahu to the Big Island. Charters give you the chance to get up close and personal with these curious cetaceans.

Types of Whales

whale watchingEighteen species of toothed whales and seven species of baleen have been documented in the waters surrounding Hawaii. However, during whale watching season, you’ll likely encounter majestic and massive humpbacks. These mammals migrate to Hawaii’s warm waters during the winter to mate and raise their calves. Known for their hauntingly beautiful songs and impressive acrobatic displays, you may be lucky enough to see these gentle giants breaching the surface during a boat tour.

Short-finned pilot whales account for nearly 25% of all toothed whale sightings throughout the islands, and they’re another species you may encounter. These round-nosed mammals are often spotted holding their heads vertically above water to get a better view of the surface. Other species, like pygmy and false killer whales, are rare finds.


If you’re eager to see these creatures thriving in their natural environment, hop aboard a whale watching charter with Aquatic Life Divers in Kailua-Kona, HI. Their knowledgeable crew will take you on an educational adventure along the Big Island’s coast, where you may encounter the humpback’s beautiful singing and playful antics. To book a tour, make a reservation online or call (808) 345-4411.
