
A child's inaugural visit to the dentist should occur within six months of their first tooth erupting. But because this is a new experience, most kids don't know what to expect, which can lead to some fear and anxiety. Fortunately, there are a few steps you can take as a parent to better prepare a child to participate in their own dental care.

How to Ease a Child Into Their First Dentist Visit

1. Talk About the Importance of Dental Exams

Let your child know that their dentist is a friend, someone who wants to help them care for their teeth so their smile stays bright. Maintain a positive, relaxed attitude whenever you talk about visiting. Also, acknowledge that while it may be a new experience, it will also be an interesting one, with a fun chair that moves up and down, a little mirror that looks inside their mouth, and a friendly staff.

2. Read Books or Watch Videos With Dental Storylines

dentistThere are a countless number of children's television shows and books that include plots about oral health. If your child has a favorite character or series, see if there is an episode involving a positive visit to the dentist and enjoy it together. These stories are designed to dispel kids' dental anxieties and underscore the critical role that dental care plays in a person's overall health.

3. Bring Along a Comforting Object

A comfort object from home can help a child stay calm and give them a focus for their energy if the experience gets to be a little too overwhelming. A stuffed animal or doll, small blanket, or toy can be a welcome source of solace and security. Children's dentists are used to seeing these well-loved friends.


Following these tips will help you and your child have a successful first visit to the dentist. When you need a children's dental care provider in the Andrews, TX, area, contact Teresa Wade DDS - Family Dentistry. Locally born, raised, and educated, Dr. Wade and her team offer comprehensive dental services for young patients and they aim to make every visit as smooth and comfortable as possible. Call (432) 523-7782 with questions. Visit their website to learn more about their offerings.
