
When your property has unwanted visitors such as raccoons, bats, squirrels, or rats, it’s not uncommon to feel conflicted. While you don’t want pests to cause structural damage or spread bacteria and diseases, you don’t want to harm them either. Using the guide below, learn why humane wildlife removal is the best and most effective pest control solution for four-legged intruders.

Why Use Humane Pest Control Services?

1. Prevents Animal Injury Or Death

Humane wildlife removal experts use their experience and training to exclude or trap the animals without inflicting injuries. If necessary, they relocate the animal to a natural area several miles from your home. Animals remain unharmed throughout the relocation process to avoid unnecessary injury and hazardous waste removal costs. 

2. Avoids Legal Problems

pest control Lewisburg, OHThe harming or killing of many wildlife species is prohibited under state law. In Ohio, for example, it is unlawful to maim or kill any species of bat or woodpecker, with the birds also being under federal protection. Poisoning protected animals could result in fines or jail time if the species is endangered.

3. Supports The Local Ecosystem

Relocating wildlife back to their natural habitats helps local ecosystems flourish. Releasing snakes from your basement lets them continue consuming rodents and insects to control their numbers. Humanely trapping birds contributes to plant pollination necessary for crop production. Bats consume night-flying insects as part of their diets to help farmers save money on pesticide and insecticide costs. Allowing wildlife to play their roles in nature subsequently contributes to a healthier, greener planet. 

4. Provides A Lasting Solution

Humane wildlife removal services, in conjunction with other pest control tactics, such as maintaining a clean home and filling foundation cracks, not only eliminate the current problem, they prevent recurrent issues. If you kill bats in your home, more will enter the way the others did, such as through a damaged attic window. When the animals are removed, they aren’t able to attract others to your property.


If you need humane wildlife control, contact AllPest Pest Control & Wildlife Removal. This family-owned pest control company serves Lewisburg, OH, as well as Preble, Darke, Montgomery, and Miami Counties, providing bat and raccoon removal, among many other services that keep vermin out. Fully licensed and insured, these nuisance wildlife officers use exclusion methods and only humanely trap when necessary as per Ohio law. Call (937) 884-5646 today to schedule humane removal services or learn more about humane methods online. Like their Facebook page for the latest pest control tips.
