
For some people, one of the hardest aspects of a loved one’s passing is informing family and friends of what has happened. Though this is necessary so everyone can learn about the funeral service, sharing this news can be understandably stressful and emotional for all involved. Here are a few considerations when sharing the news with people who were particularly close to your loved one.

3 Tips for Informing Others That a Loved One Has Passed Away

1. Be as Personal as Possible

The news of a loved one’s passing can be shocking or difficult. Because of this, it is best to give the news in person whenever possible. For family members who live far away, use a phone call rather than a text. Choose a time and location where interruptions are unlikely so you can both be fully present for the conversation and help them process the news.

2. Be Straightforward & Direct

funeral servicesWhen sharing this heartrending news, don’t go into excessive detail or try to dull the pain with euphemisms. Use direct language to ensure they understand what has happened.

Answer questions, but don’t go into deep details unless the person asks for them. Depending on the circumstances, it may also be helpful to tell them when you are planning to hold the funeral services.

3. Provide Extra Support According to the Person’s Needs

Each person has a different way of responding to grief. In addition to telling them about the funeral services, be mindful of how you can help your loved ones process this information.

Some people want to be in the company of others. Some want a hug. Others prefer to be alone with their thoughts. Respect their wishes and don’t forget to seek whatever help you need as you deal with grief yourself.


For funeral planning and other important tasks related to the end of a loved one’s life, trust the compassionate team at Dennis George Funeral Home in Cleves, OH. Serving Hamilton County for over 20 years, this funeral home will help you with the healing process and in putting together an appropriate memorial for your loved one. To learn more about their funeral services, visit them online or call (513) 941-6700. 
