
Spring is a popular season for one primary reason: After making it through the winter, most people are ready for sunny, warmer weather. Though it’s easy to forget about your furnace as spring sets in and you start using it less, here’s why it’s actually a perfect time to schedule furnace repair.

Why Should You Get Your Furnace Repaired in the Spring?

1. Recover From Winter Wear

Your furnace likely got a lot of use during the winter and may have acquired wear and tear. Whether the coils and wiring burnt out or the fan has stopped spinning as it should, there are many aspects of the unit that should be checked and repaired if necessary.

It’s also smart to do this during the spring because, except for the occasional chilly night, you likely won’t need your furnace much. If it’s out of commission while parts are being ordered or you’re waiting for repairs, you won’t miss it.

2. Avoid Costlier Repairs or Replacements

furnace repair

Getting furnace repairs in the spring doesn’t just keep your unit in working order for the upcoming fall and winter, but it may also help you avoid costlier and more invasive work in the future.

For example, a furnace with frayed wires can eventually have a short-circuiting motor that requires replacement. Similarly, a slow-moving fan could reduce the airflow and cause your unit to work harder, potentially burning out the heating unit entirely.

3. Maintain Your Warranty

While the colder seasons may be months away, it’s smart to think years beyond that—namely the years your warranty is still good for. To protect themselves from unnecessary expenses, companies that issue warranties often require you to check for small issues, such as wiring and fan problems, so they don’t lead to costlier fixes. Get the easy work done in spring, so your warranty stays in effect.


If you’re ready to schedule furnace repair for this spring, choose Rapids Sheet Metal Heating & Cooling in Wisconsin Rapids, WI. Since 1913, this heating and air conditioning contractor has offered HVAC maintenance, repairs, and installations to help keep your system in optimal shape. To contact them for service 24/7, visit their website or call (715) 301-0256.
