
There are numerous reasons to erect a fence on your property. It offers security, privacy, and ornamentation, and it keeps pets inside and unwanted guests outside. However, proper installation isn't a one-person job. You need the cooperation of fence contractors, land surveyors, and even your neighbors. Here a few of the steps of installing a fence in your yard.

What’s the Process for Installing a Fence?

1. Hire a Land Surveyor

Land surveyor in Kensington, CTBefore you do anything else, hire a survey company to perform a boundary line survey. That way, you won't inadvertently erect a fence on someone else's property.

The land surveyor will determine the legal boundaries of your property and assess any easements or encroachments that might interfere with your plans. Failure to determine the property lines before installation could waste your time and money.

2.  Choose a Type of Fence

Consider the purpose of the fence. For instance, if your goal is to feel comfortable sunbathing in your yard, a wooden privacy fence may be preferable.

To contain small pets or to keep toddlers out of a pool area, a chain-link fence is an effective and affordable option. Security fences are designed to keep out intruders, so they must be high, sturdy, and difficult to scale.

3. Talk to Your Neighbor

Before starting work, discuss your plans with any neighbors. If they object to the placement, show them the results of the boundary survey.

Discuss the type, size, material, and color of the fence you intend to erect. Giving them prior notice could stave off problems later on.


To locate your boundary line and ensure you're erecting a fence on your own property, contact Flynn & CYR Land Surveying in Kensington, CT. Also serving Berlin and the surrounding areas since 1986, they specialize in construction, residential, and subdivision surveys. Visit their website to learn more about these land surveyors or call (860) 828-7886 to make an appointment.
